We are all on a spiritual path. It is our path, each to his own. No two paths are identical. Some are called to share and instruct. Others are called to learn. Our first lessons are taught by the world around us. For the most part, these lessons are learned from a nurturing and loving world. Just as the trunk of a tree is the source of nutrition for the branches, our universe is the source of all. We learn the lessons required to interact and survive. At a specific point we begin to branch out. Like the limbs of a tree we all have a distinct path. No two paths are identical. As we learn the spiritual lessons we have mocked up for this life, we reach higher vibrations. Much like a tree we reach ever higher. Some tree limbs grow outward but never achieves any height. This does not mean that these limbs (beings) are any less important. They all contribute to the health and well being of the tree (humanity). All tree limbs flourish in the sun. When the sun is blocked the limb will wither and eventually die. If the sunlight is symbolic of our spiritual information the withered limb is becomes a symbol of a person who denies their spirit. Like the limbs of the tree, we all grow away from the trunk. We seek our own path. The path is different for each of us. The thing that we all share is our connection to the trunk (humanity). The trunk keeps us nourished and is symbolic of our attachment to Mother Earth. This grounding influence is our connection to reality and being in the present. We must grow where our roots are. If a limb loses its connection to the trunk it dies. A severed limb rarely survives. It becomes wind tossed and eventually rots. We become wind tossed when we lose our spiritual connection. It is as if the universe is conspiring to sabotage our lives. We begin to expect road blocks. We usually get what we expect, especially the ones that seem detrimental. When we find this happening, we need to get back to our roots. We haven’t lost our way. We are merely sidetracked. It becomes a chance to examine what caused the wrong turn. Look for the lesson. Learn from the experience and get back to moving forward. We are not able to deny that we are on a spiritual path. Like the roots and the trunk, we can only nurture and nourish our spirit on its path.
Read moreBalance
I woke up this morning thinking about balance. We had lost a student to bone cancer. She was a great student, friend and just an all around bright energy. She was cheerful even as the pain grew unbearable.
We can't begin to know the plans that God has for us. When He takes someone from the physical side we stop and wonder why. Was their bright energy needed for something on the other side? Had they achieved all they could on this (the physical) side? Possibly they had. Did they need a new persona in order to reach a higher vibration or greater enlightenment. It could be that their spirit and physical had reached a point of disconnect. The physical is limited and the spirit is boundless. The physical has time constraints and faces obsolescence.
Maybe God needed another bright spirit to achieve balance on the other side. That would present a dilemma on this side. How is the balance maintained here? It may be that we learn and raise our vibration through the process. The process being, learning to function and carry on through the loss. In so doing, our vibration would raise and the balance would be maintained.
No one wants to lose a loved one and yet we all face this change at some time, possibly several times. It is a natural part of the physical experience. Try to remember, it is a natural process, the passing of this physical body and the next step in our personal, spiritual evolution.
Claim Who You Really Are
A wonderful testimonial from one of our students.
I am leaving for Denver today and am hoping to return on Monday. Before I leave there are a few things I would like to share about myself. Mostly, I don't want to talk about myself, I want to learn more, claim and stay with who I am. Really.
It is interesting, but a few weeks before coming to this class I found myself saying "I want to be the different I am." To be different, growing up, meant bad, wrong, something to be separated from, as soon as possible and without any questions asked. I am in my 80th year and doing what I call, the final lap. I sometimes honestly don't know whether I will make it or not, but I do know that I won't give up and I am ready.
Pride I hear you say that you are God and we are all God and when you say this it touches me in a way as never before. I don't know why. Perhaps I do not need to know why. And when you told Sherrie and me that the teacher we have been looking for, we have been looking for, for several lifetimes, I heard a quiet and very strong "yes."
I have had a few experiences that might be called phenomena and what I feel is not phenomena but is natural. Things that are not readily shared with others. The most recent happened last night.
I laid down with an aching right arm, that has been aching for several months. Before lying down, I did the exercises we were taught in class. Then, I "heard" "this pain can go away. Pride says it can so it can." The pain left - not completely, but noticeably and to a place where the arm can move in ways it couldn't, before. And, the bout of an unexpected attack of depression I have been experiencing these last couple of weeks also took its leave.
I went to a crystal store, yesterday, to look for a specific stone and was drawn directly to a small basket of smoky quartz. Then to one. Just one. I took it with me and when I arrived home read that Smoky Quartz is "grounding, centering; chakras: root, navel, solar plexus."
Then there is the sun.
"You who are the Source of all Power
Your rays illuminate the whole world
Illuminate, also, my heart
So I too can do your work."
A translation of the Giaytri, a Hindu mantra and one you may already know.
What I have been chanting for years came to life, Tuesday. The sun. A sun that is very real to me and that I carry with me, knowingly, and can relate to. I think the student has met the teacher(s). Wow.
In gratitude,
Miracles have been going through my thoughts lately. I can’t seem to let go of the energy of miracles. Miracles are loosely defined as, a beneficial event that occurs and is not explicable by natural or scientific laws. The internet is full of stories that are given as miracles. There are many explanations for the occurrence of these miracles. Some are attributed to God, synchronicity, or just a coincidence that has no explanation. I believe that there are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason, all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly. Many people have given up on miracles. They no longer believe in the possibility of intervention, divine or otherwise. They have given their lives over to the idea of fate. This takes the responsibility for their lack of belief out of their hands. They can always say it was fate. Fate is what occurs when a person has lost faith in a higher power and most of all in themselves. If we truly create our world, there is no reason not to leave some room for miracles. By miracle, I don’t mean turning water to wine or raising the dead. Miracles have endless possibilities. Sometimes we fail to see the miracle. Oftentimes we precipitate a miracle that grows outside of our world but has a profound effect on another’s life. One miracle that comes to mind is the Suicide Prevention Line. They field calls from people that are in dire straits, physically and emotionally. These people are dedicated to the prevention of suicide, but the miracle goes much further. The people they save have families and friends. These people are recipients of the miracle of saving that one person. Everybody that person interacts with is also a recipient. Sometimes the suicidal person can’t be saved. Even in this loss there are miracles. Somewhere in the event there is a lesson. Maybe a new way to approach the problem or a deeper understanding of process that leads people to this end.
People have been miraculously cured of incurable disease since the beginning of time. The most notable of these was Jesus. Jesus said that all he had done could be done by anyone if they had the faith of a grain of a mustard seed. These ideas have led to the use of energy to heal the spirit and thereby healing the physical body. Some of these healings truly fall into the category of miracles. When a person has had energy work they always leave feeling better. Anything that raises the energy of another person, in my opinion, is a miracle. It can be as simple as a smile and a friendly greeting. The recipient made to feel better just by reason of the fact that they were noticed. The reaction is a smile and greeting in return. Both go away a little more lighthearted. I feel it says a lot about where mankind has sunk to when we have replaced that smile and greeting with fear. We have grown afraid to make eye contact with one other. We aren’t sure how we will be viewed. These are little miracles that we miss every day.
Doctors and hospitals constantly witness miracles. There are millions of stories out there of people who went in with an incurable disease and walked out cured. Modern medicine has evolved to the point where diseases that were incurable before are just a shot away from cure. We all know someone who has been cured of the incurable. Even the dreaded cancer has been defeated in some cases. What used to be a death sentence is now in some cases just a great inconvenience. One of these days, a lab somewhere will announce a miracle drug that cures cancer. When they do, having a body that once had cancer and is now cancer free will cease to be a miracle. It will be commonplace. We will have lost the miracle feeling of being cancer free.
We have taken so many things for granted that we have lost the ability to see and recognize miracles. We no longer live in a world of miracles. Some people still recognize them. They haven’t given in to fate. The world, in fact the universe, is full of mystery and wonder. When we view it from that perspective we marvel at the miracle of just being part of something greater than mere humankind. The little space we must live in is a miracle. Until we begin to see and realize the miracles that happen around us we are destined to live at the whim of fate. Fate allows us to live our lives in a constant state of flux. We are calm one moment only to be thrust back into chaos the next. We fail to see and realize the unfolding of the world around us. We notice the things that inconvenience us. All of nature has a meaning and a purpose. Maybe the rain that falls on our parade serves a greater and higher purpose than the celebration. We need to start looking for the subtle energies that surround us. They are usually signs of something with a greater purpose.
We teach our students to see the world through the eyes of a young child. Everything is new and awe inspiring. Look and feel with every ounce of being. Go beyond the five senses. Feel Mother Earth as spiritual being deserving our care and attention. Know that we are all connected in some way. What affects one affects all. By all, I mean every living thing. Native Americans believe that all things, every rock, tree and plant has a spirit and a story to tell. They are right. If we just take a half step back and slow down, we can each see their truth. It is in the slowing that the story is revealed. You can’t hear or see it if you are racing by at sixty-five miles an hour. When we take the time to recognize the energies around us, they will just by the recognition come into affinity with us. We have not only polluted our world, but we have also polluted our lives. We strive for things that aren’t important. We have cluttered ourselves. We have lost the ability to see through our own created clutter and see what is important.
We need to see the gift of spirit that is shared in a smile, the wonder of the new day unfolding and the serenity in the sunset. We need to be more open to the subtle energies around us. We need to lose the fear and learn to cohabitate with our world and everything it is made of. The joy is found in the feeling of accomplishment. We have passed this way and left it better than we found it. Because I am a spirit with a body, I see and validate the spirit in you. Namaste.
Written by: Pride and Gail Hansen
Old Souls
We hear the term Old Souls more often than we used to. Old Souls are people with a physical and a spirit that has had many physical bodies. These Old Souls have experiences that seem to be more spiritual. Age in this physical existence has nothing to do with being an Old Soul. Some newborns come into this life as Old Souls. It is like a Deja vu scenario. The event comes into their life and they realize that on a deeper level they have an understanding that encompasses more than just a mental and physical event. They connect on a spiritual level as well. People are becoming more comfortable talking about these experiences that may not seem rational in the physical world. They are becoming aware that by using the 5 senses and other abilities to walk through the world and have the knowingness that it really means something. It can have a profound effect on them. It may even be an experience that is being replicated from a past life.
Old Souls are all around us, in fact, everyone is an Old Soul to some degree. We have all lived past lives. It just depends on how much you are willing to accept and validate for yourself. Old Souls have this intuitive feeling of having knowledge that goes way beyond their years. They may not know how it was attained, but there is no doubt in their minds that they have it. Much of the information Old Souls have acquired has been forgotten. Eckart Tolle states that "I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don't know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten."
Where did all this knowledge come from? People who have reincarnated many times have acquired much information throughout their different lifetimes and they are learning to bring it forth and honor it today. More and more Old Souls are coming forth to participate in energy classes to find out what it is they do know. They can tap into this information to use for themselves and to teach others. It is a time of validation as Old Souls have much to give to the world through the amazing amount of knowledge they can impart for the highest and greatest good. The combined knowledge of humankind is available to Old Souls once they regain the ability to tap into it.
Old Souls are people who have reincarnated many times and have acquired information that they have carried with them through their past lifetimes and into this present lifetime. They may be aware of their situation and have the ability to use their information. Others may not even be aware of their knowledge. Sometimes this knowledge appears as just an instinctual knowing. They could have a sensation about knowing more. Not until they enter some type of formal education with the subject of reincarnation will they truly learn the importance of this concept. These concepts and the Old Soul’s collective knowledge are available to anyone willing to acknowledge their existence and learn how to access this collective consciousness. Old Souls will either accept this concept and learn more about it or reject it all together. Either way is right and is their truth. One thing that all Old Souls agree upon is that each spirit with a physical body must have the freedom to follow their own path. Sometimes these paths are fraught with anxiety. This anxiety is caused by the rational mind not being able to accept a different perspective. As we learn to use our abilities, the anxiety becomes less and less with each occurrence. We become comfortable with ourselves and our spiritual journey. Being comfortable with oneself is a large part of the lessons. This comfort allows us to be more mindful of others. We can allow them to be on their own path. We can share our experiences with the world and let others draw their own conclusions. We are no longer affected by other’s perceptions of us. We are safe in the knowledge that we are following the path that God has laid out for us.
We should remember that we are all one. What affects one affects all of us. Know that as I end this, I wish you the Grace of God and the ability to recognize the Old Soul that you are.
Energy at the Holidays
The holidays bring their own energies. We all have the energy of thankfulness but there are many other energies. When we start to recognize the nearness of the new year, some are hopeful in anticipation. Others look forward in dread of what the new year will bring. Meditation helps us handle the energies of the new year and the holidays. We can set our energies to be more in tune with, and ready for anything that comes. If we can release fear, then we have the required clarity to strongly move forward. During this time of the year, our instructors and healers are always available to give you the needed insight to find neutrality to confidently face any challenges.
We are excited to announce that next Monday September 11th at 6:30 PM we will be teaching a class on archetypes. Archetypes are inherent patterns in physical and spiritual life. By understanding how archetypes influence us we can empower or disempower them. When we find an understanding of their power, we are able to better understand why events happen the way they do. With practice we can see the archetypes in another person and find ways to interact that are beneficial to everyone involved. This class will be beneficial for all attendees. Click on the link below for more information. https://truckee.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=24187&int_category_id=3&int_sub_category_id=141&int_catalog_id=0
When you control a reading, you are afforded a space to see the energies in the readee and the readers. This is a great way to clear your space of matching energies and pictures that no longer serve you. We are offering a class on controlling readings. This class starts tomorrow after the reading. Class should start at 7:00 pm. It would be beneficial to read at the 5:30 reading space. Get to the school early to run your energy. The Control Class will consist of three classroom sessions and then practice at the readings. This class is only available to Clairvoyant graduates.
Gail and I are proud to announce the graduation of our latest class of clairvoyants. Their hard work and determination has brought them to certainty. Each in their own way has made huge progress on their spiritual path. The foundation they have built will empower them the rest of this life and into the future. Their high vibrations will be a beacon for what is to come in their lives. The world will become a better place because of the spirits they have become. Congratulations from Gail and Pride and the teachers at Metaphysical Learning Center.
Lovelock Caves
We are in the process of putting together a group outing. We would like to visit the Nevada Museum that exhibits artifacts from the cave. We were thinking of doing the museum one weekend and the caves the next. If you are interested in either or both of these outings let us know.
People + Change = Resistance
On an energetic level, we are all feeling the effects of change. The earth is constantly changing, this is a natural process. We experience earthquakes, volcanoes and extreme weather. The ice caps are melting and the oceans are rising and the poles are shifting. Man causes some of this, but a lot of it is a natural phenomenon. The landmasses on earth float on a molten core and are constantly moving. They move to adjust to the magnetic field that surrounds the earth and the magnetic field moves to keep up with the shifting poles. This shift has always been subtle, but recently scientists have noticed an increase in movement.
We as humans are attuned to the dynamics of the earth. Most people don’t realize how great this connection is until a catastrophic event occurs. We are then made aware of the connection between our very survival and the balance of earth energy. We are not able to control machinations of the earth in the cosmos. We as people are fearful of anything that changes, or is out of our control. This fear causes dis ease and discomfort. We are unable to accept that the earth has it’s own agenda and we have not reached a point in time where we have the ability to control it. We may never reach that point in time. Whether or not we can control it, we as humans still resist the change. Resistance to uncontrollable change leads to fear. Fear can manifest in many ways. It is one of the most powerful energies on earth, it is not meant to be part of our existence, our analytical minds manifest it.
We as a spirit with a body recognize that fear and resistance do not belong in our individual space. Our individual space is the only part of the universe that we can control, it extends about as far as we can reach with our arms. Anything outside of that reach is out of our control. Our ego based brain or mind lets us believe that we are in control of a much greater space. If we truly look at our realm of control from a space of neutrality we see that we do well to control anything within arms length around us. Most people can’t even control that small of an area. They allow fear, anger, unbridled competition, anxiety, and many other counterproductive energies into their space. This creates a reality where they are constantly wondering why things never seem to work out for them. They are not in harmony with the universe.
Harmony with the universe is a silent acceptance of events around you. You realize that you can create a reality for yourself. You own and accept responsibility for your reality. This allows you to resonate with a cosmic energy that is a natural progression of energies. It is like going downstream in a canoe rather than trying to paddle upstream. The journey is much easier and the rewards are just as great. We have been programmed to buy into the struggles of existence. What we need to do is live in harmony with the universe and the universal experience.
If we are not comfortable with our experience or the way we feel in our space, then we need to look within. The problem is not in the world outside, it comes from within. Look at what is important, and do not put false values on the importance of events. From as space of neutrality it is possible to sort out what is truly relevant. From this space we can release the ideas and goals that other people have put in our space. These are not about who we are, but more about becoming the person they think we should be. Trying to reach other people’s goals from your reality is a recipe for disaster. If we live in our own reality we come to realize that life has become much simpler. It is not as complicated and we can step back and see the whole picture. The picture of our place in the universe and how we are an integral part of this realm we call humanity.