On an energetic level, we are all feeling the effects of change. The earth is constantly changing, this is a natural process. We experience earthquakes, volcanoes and extreme weather. The ice caps are melting and the oceans are rising and the poles are shifting. Man causes some of this, but a lot of it is a natural phenomenon. The landmasses on earth float on a molten core and are constantly moving. They move to adjust to the magnetic field that surrounds the earth and the magnetic field moves to keep up with the shifting poles. This shift has always been subtle, but recently scientists have noticed an increase in movement.
We as humans are attuned to the dynamics of the earth. Most people don’t realize how great this connection is until a catastrophic event occurs. We are then made aware of the connection between our very survival and the balance of earth energy. We are not able to control machinations of the earth in the cosmos. We as people are fearful of anything that changes, or is out of our control. This fear causes dis ease and discomfort. We are unable to accept that the earth has it’s own agenda and we have not reached a point in time where we have the ability to control it. We may never reach that point in time. Whether or not we can control it, we as humans still resist the change. Resistance to uncontrollable change leads to fear. Fear can manifest in many ways. It is one of the most powerful energies on earth, it is not meant to be part of our existence, our analytical minds manifest it.
We as a spirit with a body recognize that fear and resistance do not belong in our individual space. Our individual space is the only part of the universe that we can control, it extends about as far as we can reach with our arms. Anything outside of that reach is out of our control. Our ego based brain or mind lets us believe that we are in control of a much greater space. If we truly look at our realm of control from a space of neutrality we see that we do well to control anything within arms length around us. Most people can’t even control that small of an area. They allow fear, anger, unbridled competition, anxiety, and many other counterproductive energies into their space. This creates a reality where they are constantly wondering why things never seem to work out for them. They are not in harmony with the universe.
Harmony with the universe is a silent acceptance of events around you. You realize that you can create a reality for yourself. You own and accept responsibility for your reality. This allows you to resonate with a cosmic energy that is a natural progression of energies. It is like going downstream in a canoe rather than trying to paddle upstream. The journey is much easier and the rewards are just as great. We have been programmed to buy into the struggles of existence. What we need to do is live in harmony with the universe and the universal experience.
If we are not comfortable with our experience or the way we feel in our space, then we need to look within. The problem is not in the world outside, it comes from within. Look at what is important, and do not put false values on the importance of events. From as space of neutrality it is possible to sort out what is truly relevant. From this space we can release the ideas and goals that other people have put in our space. These are not about who we are, but more about becoming the person they think we should be. Trying to reach other people’s goals from your reality is a recipe for disaster. If we live in our own reality we come to realize that life has become much simpler. It is not as complicated and we can step back and see the whole picture. The picture of our place in the universe and how we are an integral part of this realm we call humanity.