We hear the term Old Souls more often than we used to. Old Souls are people with a physical and a spirit that has had many physical bodies. These Old Souls have experiences that seem to be more spiritual. Age in this physical existence has nothing to do with being an Old Soul. Some newborns come into this life as Old Souls. It is like a Deja vu scenario. The event comes into their life and they realize that on a deeper level they have an understanding that encompasses more than just a mental and physical event. They connect on a spiritual level as well. People are becoming more comfortable talking about these experiences that may not seem rational in the physical world. They are becoming aware that by using the 5 senses and other abilities to walk through the world and have the knowingness that it really means something. It can have a profound effect on them. It may even be an experience that is being replicated from a past life.
Old Souls are all around us, in fact, everyone is an Old Soul to some degree. We have all lived past lives. It just depends on how much you are willing to accept and validate for yourself. Old Souls have this intuitive feeling of having knowledge that goes way beyond their years. They may not know how it was attained, but there is no doubt in their minds that they have it. Much of the information Old Souls have acquired has been forgotten. Eckart Tolle states that "I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don't know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten."
Where did all this knowledge come from? People who have reincarnated many times have acquired much information throughout their different lifetimes and they are learning to bring it forth and honor it today. More and more Old Souls are coming forth to participate in energy classes to find out what it is they do know. They can tap into this information to use for themselves and to teach others. It is a time of validation as Old Souls have much to give to the world through the amazing amount of knowledge they can impart for the highest and greatest good. The combined knowledge of humankind is available to Old Souls once they regain the ability to tap into it.
Old Souls are people who have reincarnated many times and have acquired information that they have carried with them through their past lifetimes and into this present lifetime. They may be aware of their situation and have the ability to use their information. Others may not even be aware of their knowledge. Sometimes this knowledge appears as just an instinctual knowing. They could have a sensation about knowing more. Not until they enter some type of formal education with the subject of reincarnation will they truly learn the importance of this concept. These concepts and the Old Soul’s collective knowledge are available to anyone willing to acknowledge their existence and learn how to access this collective consciousness. Old Souls will either accept this concept and learn more about it or reject it all together. Either way is right and is their truth. One thing that all Old Souls agree upon is that each spirit with a physical body must have the freedom to follow their own path. Sometimes these paths are fraught with anxiety. This anxiety is caused by the rational mind not being able to accept a different perspective. As we learn to use our abilities, the anxiety becomes less and less with each occurrence. We become comfortable with ourselves and our spiritual journey. Being comfortable with oneself is a large part of the lessons. This comfort allows us to be more mindful of others. We can allow them to be on their own path. We can share our experiences with the world and let others draw their own conclusions. We are no longer affected by other’s perceptions of us. We are safe in the knowledge that we are following the path that God has laid out for us.
We should remember that we are all one. What affects one affects all of us. Know that as I end this, I wish you the Grace of God and the ability to recognize the Old Soul that you are.