I woke up this morning thinking about balance. We had lost a student to bone cancer. She was a great student, friend and just an all around bright energy. She was cheerful even as the pain grew unbearable.
We can't begin to know the plans that God has for us. When He takes someone from the physical side we stop and wonder why. Was their bright energy needed for something on the other side? Had they achieved all they could on this (the physical) side? Possibly they had. Did they need a new persona in order to reach a higher vibration or greater enlightenment. It could be that their spirit and physical had reached a point of disconnect. The physical is limited and the spirit is boundless. The physical has time constraints and faces obsolescence.
Maybe God needed another bright spirit to achieve balance on the other side. That would present a dilemma on this side. How is the balance maintained here? It may be that we learn and raise our vibration through the process. The process being, learning to function and carry on through the loss. In so doing, our vibration would raise and the balance would be maintained.
No one wants to lose a loved one and yet we all face this change at some time, possibly several times. It is a natural part of the physical experience. Try to remember, it is a natural process, the passing of this physical body and the next step in our personal, spiritual evolution.