Cost: $120
Scheduled by Appointment Only
The Akashic Records are considered an incredible spiritual resource of insight, guidance and understanding. The Records allow us to access all information from your past lives as well as present and future lives. The Akashic energy itself is manifested and generally recognized as love, peace, order and balance. A reading of your records may give you the answer you have been seeking, directly from your soul's archive of information.
Readings last 1 hour.
Cost: $100
Scheduled by Appointment Only
A Clairvoyant Reading is an in depth look at the energy carried in the aura. These energies create pictures to show what you are processing on a physical and spiritual level. Becoming aware of these energies help you to resolve issues and create inner peace.
Cost: $120
Scheduled by Appointment Only
Archetypes are patterns of behavior that we all hold. Find out which archetypes are influencing your life and use them to better yourself and your life. These techniques are beneficial to all aspects of your being. Explore your ability to control an archetype's influence rather than be controlled by the archetype.